Romanesque Route (en) | Buildings

Böllberg village church, Halle/Saale

The village church of St. Nicholas in Böllberg is a landmark on the ‘Romanesque Road’. The towerless Romanesque structure, whose apse remains, was built of stone.

On the north side are small, high windows, typical of the simple village churches of the 12th century. In the interior, Romanesque stencil painting can still be seen on the flat wooden ceiling, and the font from the same period has also survived.



Dorfkirche Böllberg-Wörmlitz

Böllberger Weg 152 152
06128 Halle (Saale)

Gesonderte Postanschrift

Gemeindebüro Wörmlitz-Böllberg Richard-Schatz-Str. 30 06128 Halle (Saale)


Mai - September:
Sa. und So.: 10 bis 17 Uhr

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